Area of interest

PB partners
- GeoZS
- GeoInform
Main activities
Activities are focused on following objectives:
- To build a beyond the state-of-the-art cross-border and cross-thematic geological and structural model of the Pannonian Basin covering territories from eight countries;
- Challenge this model by means of an annotated structural framework model with the goal to increase the geological understanding, including transport of fluids and heat for geothermal purposes;
- Provide methods and recommendations regarding subsurface planning and management.
The work for WP4 consists of following main tasks, which are also the backbone of the project timeline:
- Geological – tectonical model
We make a harmonized, common stratigraphic chart and the structural framework for the area, model at scale 1:500 000. - Geomanifestations in pilot areas
Due to large geothermal potential of the Pannonian basin, it is expected that the majority of geomanifestations connected to regional fault zones are thermal anomalies and anomalies in water chemistry, isotope composition, convection zones. Analysis of geothermal anomalies will also be performed by using a regional 3D numerical model of flow and heat transport. - Subsurface management
The Pannonian basin is an extensive area where the management of geological and geo-spatial data is not harmonised between the countries. It is also an area where different geoenergy reservoirs often exist together (vertically and/or laterally). In addition, potable water aquifers can be influenced by geoenergy-bearing reservoirs when these are recovered, causing alterations in natural regimes. In order to achieve a better subsurface management, we will organise interactive workshops with stakeholders and develop a traffic light model based on the horizon and voxel model, showing areas of conflicts deriving from co-use, where possible consecutive use, etc.

M1: Kick-off meeting, M2: Annotated structural model v01, M3: Annotated structural PB model, M4: Regional workshop D1: Horizon and voxel 3D model, 3D fault plane surfaces of the main deformation zones in harmonisation with the stratigraphic model horizons, D2: A joint report on geomanifestations with their physical, spatial- and temporal (4D) analysis, validation of the 3D structural-geological model of the Pannonian basin based on their identification and evaluation of their relevance for spatial management at pilot areas. , D3: A scientific article on geomanifestations in the Pannonian Basin (IF paper, submitted), D4: Report on the workshop results, D5: Report on the benchmark methodology and the results of indicator calculations and evaluations, D6: Applied (traffic-light) model
- Gyula Maros (MBFSZ) (
- Éva Kun (MBFSZ) (
- Annamária Nádor (MBFSZ) (
- Nina Rman (GeoZS) (Nina.Rman@GEO-ZS.SI)