45 national and regional Geological Survey Organisations (GSOs) from 32 European countries decided in 2017 to join forces to develop an ERA-NET Co-Fund Action:
Establishing the European Geological Surveys Research Area to deliver a Geological Service for Europe (GeoERA)
GeoERA consisted of 15 3 year projects and started in July 2018. In January 2022 a final conference was held on-line and the results of all projects were presented and discussed with a large group of stakeholders.
The main objective of GeoERA was to contribute to the optimal use and management of the subsurface. The projects supported 1) a more integrated and efficient management and 2) more responsible and publicly accepted, exploitation and use of the subsurface. The projects covered the applied geosciences, addressing the following four themes:

Secure, clean and efficient energy are at the heart of the H2020’s Societal Challenge 3. As Europe progresses to make its transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy.

The objective of the groundwater theme is to provide data, information and decision-support tools for the protection, sustainable management and improvement of groundwater resources.

Mineral Raw Materials underpin societal development and Europe’s ambition for economic growth and well-being. The European Commission recognises the importance of Raw Materials.

The geo-energy, groundwater and raw materials themes share the common objective to provide and disseminate spatial information on their respective resources.