GeoConnect³d stakeholder session #4 – Subsurface management


From 09:30 CEST until 11:00 CEST

At On-line

Organised by GeoConnect³d

It is a challenge to disclose and discuss geological information. This challenge was accepted by GeoConnect³d, one of GeoERA’s Horizon 2020 projects that brings together partners from Ireland to Ukraine. Together, we have developed a new way of presenting geological information, and are now ready to apply it to real world cases. We reach out to everyone dealing regularly with the subsurface or geology at large, since we need your feedback to shape our raw tools into utensils.


In order to do so, we have prepared a series of four short online sessions, discussing four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). For each topic, we start with a guest speaker that introduces their angle on how geology links to our lives. We then explore again the same case using the GeoConnect³d methodology. The ultimate goal is to build an intuitive understanding of the specific geological context, how the subsurface can be used, and what the constraints are. This then allows for a debate where all stakeholders, from geological experts to the general public, are able to participate on equal terms.


We think you may be particularly interested in the final webinar of this series: Subsurface interactions on 26 June 2020 from 9:30 to 11am (CEST).


This session deals with foreseeable interactions of deep subsurface uses and, drawing from the input and suggestions from speakers and attendants of previous sessions, explores new case studies that will inspire the final year of our project.


Full details and free registration are available on the subsurface event page.


You are equally welcome to the other events of the series, which you can consult here.