The GARAH project main result is a harmonized, scientific based, geological analysis and assessment of the conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resources that will help member states to continue the transition to lower Carbon energy sources. The assessment will contribute to climate commitments and allow the planning for secure sources of affordable energy. The analysis and assessment of hydrocarbons has focused on two areas:
(i) in Europe’s major petroleum province – the North Sea a “Geological analysis and resource assessment of North Sea petroleum systems”. This research includes the assessment of conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources in the most important hydrocarbon basin in Europe. This will enable the remaining resource to be better understood and managed and identify options for multiple and alternative uses of the subsurface as producing fields come off-line.
(ii) with a pan-European view, “Addressing knowledge gaps in the hydrate assessment in the European continental”. This research includes an assessment of the knowledge gaps of marine gas hydrate related information and subsequently, presents the current state of hydrate-related pan-European data. In addition, this research shows an assessment of marine gas hydrate-related geohazards (susceptibility map) and areas of interest for future scientific projects related to the potential safe geological storage of CO2 as mixed gas hydrates.

GIS viewer for GARAH results
The map shows layers that represent the main tasks of the GARAH project
- Conventional plays and their status (WP2)
- The red line encircles the study area of the 3D basin and petroleum system modelling (also WP2)
- The likelihood of gas hydrates in the sediment along the continental margins (WP3)
List of deliverables
Deliverable 1.1. Dissemination and Exploitation Plan.
Deliverable 1.2. Data Management Plan
Deliverable 1.3. Annual progress report 2018
Deliverable 1.4 GARAH GeoERA mid term presentation 5 feb 2020
Deliverable 1.5. Annual progress report 2020
Deliverable 1.6. Final project report
Deliverable 2.1. Database and Harmonisation Report.
Deliverable 2.2. Petroleum system report and GIS maps
Deliverable 2.3. Updated assessment of the conventional and unconventional resources of the North Sea Basin
Deliverable 2.4. 3D Pilot Study – Unconventionals
Deliverable 2.5. 3D Pilot Study – Conventionals
Deliverable 2.6 Alternative use and risks
Deliverable 3.1. Available hydrate related data in the European Continental Margins.
Deliverable 3.2. Hydrates GIS-dataset
Deliverable 3.3. Gas Hydrate overview report
Deliverable 4.1. Preliminary Data Selection to Provide Relevant Information in Assessing Hydrocarbon Resources in Subsurface
Deliverable 4.2. Description of the work done on EGDI, guidelines for uploading updating and consulting information.
Deliverable 4.3. Assist in hydrocarbon ressource planning.
Deliverable 4.4. Online available results in GIS
List of publications
GARAH Publications
Budget and Participants
The total budget for the project is 1,076,707 € of which the participants contribute 843,422 € and the EC contributes 233,283 €.
Work Packages
WP1 | Main Project Coordination |
WP2 | North Sea Petroleum Systems |
WP3 | Addressing knowledge gaps in the hydrate assessment in the European continental margin |
WP4 | Knowledge data base |
The Participants and their contributions in terms of Man Months are:
# | Participant Legal Name | Institution | Country | PM |
1 | Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland [Project Coordinator] | GEUS | Denmark | 36.-7 |
2 | Instituto Geológico y Minero de España | IGME | Spain | 20.0 |
3 | Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek | TNO | Netherlands | 10.5 |
4 | Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières | BRGM | France | 4.0 |
5 | Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe | BGR | Germany | 12.0 |
6 | Natural Environment Research Council (British Geological Survey) | NERC (BGS) | United Kingdom | 30.0 |
7 | State Research and Development Enterprise State Information Geological Fund of Ukraine | GIU | Ukraine | 3.5 |
8 | Norwegian Petroleum Directorate | NPD (external partner) | Norway | 2.0 |