Area of interest

R2R Partners
Main activities
The work for WP3 consists of following main tasks:
- Building a cross-border structural framework for the R2R AOI based on existing information on faults and determinant features (e.g. folds and unconformities);
- Linking existing models at different scales and resolution (voxel, 3D, resource models…) to this framework;
- Making an inventory of cross-border data on selected geomanifestations (seismicity, those indicative of channelled or blocked fluid and heat flow…) and harmonising these data;
- Tying geomanifestations to the structural framework;
- Improving the structural framework based on new insights gained from the geomanifestations;
- Using the augmented structural framework to evaluate hazards and the impact of subsurface activities and to propose a concept for inclusive subsurface management and planning;
- Making the geological information readily accessible, understandable and tailored to the needs of multiple stakeholders and end-users (cf. EGDI).
This is grouped into three main tasks:
- Developing a structural framework (tasks 1 – 2)
- Mapping geomanifestations, tying these to the structural framework, and interpreting these against the structural framework (tasks 3 – 5)
- Disclosing geological models as relevant to the regional policy needs (tasks 6 – 7)
Task group A: regional structural framework
A regional scale structural framework is developed during the first 18 months of the project. This includes inventory of the available data, start of first drafts and ideas (from workshop 8 November 2018, Brussels onwards), development of first drafts (November 2018 – December 2019), with inclusion of existing 3D models. Update of structural framework model is performed taking into account geomanifestation data and results from related projects (e.g. HIKE). The aim is to have this finalized mid-2020.
Task group B: geomanifestations
An inventory of geomanifestations is performed from March 2019 onwards, and will be tied to existing drafts of the structural framework model, whenever possible (from December 2019 onwards).
Task Group C: Geological models and policy needs
From early 2020 onwards, the combined results of Task groups A and B will be fed into Task Group C, in order to allow customized communication of geological models, hazards and potential conflict for specific policy needs. From mid-2020 onwards, results of Task Group C will be fed into WP5 (“Sharing”).
- Kris Piessens (RBINS-GSB) (
- Ben Laenen (VITO) (
- Renata Barros (RBINS-GSB) (