Sharing the Case Studies

Area of interest

A large part of the work in the ‘Sharing’ work package is generic, so encompasses the whole of Europe. This is however not true for the two ‘one-country’ pilots.

Diepolder, G.W. &. Schulz, U. (2011): Tiefliegende Speicher- und Barrieregesteins¬komplexe in Bayern – ein Überblick. – Schriftenr. dt. Ges. Geowiss. 74: 118-136, DOI: 10.1127/sdgg/74/2011/226
Sharing partners
  • BRGM
  • LfU
  • GSI
  • GSS
  • FZZG
  • CGS
  • GeoZS
  • TNO
  • Geo-Inform
  • VPO
  • VITO
Main activities

WP5-Sharing is dedicated to subsurface planning and management. It will propose improved methods for decision making on this issue, by working as on the generic level, as well as on the lessons learnt from the WP3 and WP4 case studies and from smaller-scale pilot studies: Ireland and Bavaria. The final objective is to provide overall recommendations regarding subsurface planning and management.


Work on issues and potential solutions for subsurface management as a generic pan-European topic is carried out from the first year of the project. Work on the one-country-pilots (Ireland and Bavaria) will start when the methodology has been consolidated by the larger R2R and PB case studies. Capitalisation of the lessons learnt from the various case studies needs the other tasks and WPs to progress, so it will start during the second year of the project. Overall conclusions and recommendations will be drawn at the end of the project.


Isaline Gravaud (BRGM) (