GIP-P Budget and Participants

The total budget for the project was 3,860,803€ of which the participants contributed 2,714,145€ and the EC contributed 1,146,659€.

The Participants and their contributions in terms of Man Months were:

Partner (Short name)Partner NameCountry/RegionMan Months
GEUS (Coordinator)Geological Survey of Denmark and GreenlandDenmark70.0
BGRBundesanstalt Für Geowissenschaften und RohstoffeGermany20.7
TNONederlandse Organistie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk OnderzoekThe Netherlands23.7
SGUSveriges geologiska undersökningSweden17.3
GeoZSGeoloski Zavod SlovenijeSlovenia79,0
CGSCeska Geologicka SluzbaCzech Republic31.0
BRGMBureau de Recherches Geologiques et MinieresFrance40.0
UKRIUnited Kingdom Research and InnovationUnited Kingdom23.0
ISPRAIstituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca AmbientaleItaly30.0
GTKGeologian TutkimuskeskusFinland6.0
NGUGeological Survey of NorwayNorway11.2
RBINSInstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de BelgiqueBelgium20.0
GSIDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & EnvironmentIreland19.0
IGME-ESInstituto Geológico y Minero de EspanaSpain42.0
GeoinformState Research and Development Enterprise State Information Geological of UkraineUkraine6.0
GIRInstitutul Geologic al RomanieiRomania7.3
GBAGeologische BundesanstaltAustria12.0
SGSSServizio Geologico, Sismico e dei Suoli della Regione Emilia-RomagnaEmilia-Romagna, Italy5.4
LfUBayerisches Landesamt fur UmweltBavaria, Germany12.6
LNEGLaboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P.Portugal9.7
PIG-PIBPanstwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Panstwowy Instytut BadawczyPoland3.3
HGI-CGSHrvatski Geološki InstitutCroatia13.7
ISORÍslenskar orkurannsóknirIceland6.3
geus.jpg índice.png tno.png igme.jpg ml8b5yrN_400x400.jpg sgu-logotyp-bla-489x202.gif gesz.png unnamed.png Logo_brgm_english.jpg unnamed.jpg gtk.png IGR-150x150.jpg ga.png hu.png bayerisches_landesamt_fuer_umwelt.jpg lneg.png pol.png hr.jpg Isor_logo.jpg ireland.png