IP Project

On this page you will find some basic information about the project “Development of an Information Platform to support management and provision of data for the three other themes”


The overall aim of GeoERA – to integrate European GSOs’ information and knowledge on subsurface energy, water and raw material resources to contribute to sustainable use and management of the subsurface – requires a coordinated effort in order to make the results interoperable at a European Level. This is in particular the case because the other GeoERA projects will produce large amounts of complex geological information. Data, services and requirements will have many similarities across the GeoERA themes. The project results will be of much higher value being available according to agreed standards through a common platform. This is relevant for pan-European, cross-border as well as cross-domain information. Therefore, a common Information Platform (IP), where European, national and regional policy makers as well as industry, science and other stakeholders will have user-friendly access to the GeoERA results, will be established.

Project plan

You can read the whole project plan here.


Partner (Short name)Partner NameCountry/RegionMan Months
GEUS (Coordinator)Geological Survey of Denmark and GreenlandDenmark70.0
BGRBundesanstalt Für Geowissenschaften und RohstoffeGermany20.7
TNONederlandse Organistie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk OnderzoekThe Netherlands23.7
SGUSveriges geologiska undersökningSweden17.3
GeoZSGeoloski Zavod SlovenijeSlovenia79,0
CGSCeska Geologicka SluzbaCzech Republic31.0
BRGMBureau de Recherches Geologiques et MinieresFrance40.0
UKRIUnited Kingdom Research and InnovationUnited Kingdom23.0
ISPRAIstituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca AmbientaleItaly30.0
GTKGeologian TutkimuskeskusFinland6.0
NGUGeological Survey of NorwayNorway11.2
RBINSInstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de BelgiqueBelgium20.0
GSIDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & EnvironmentIreland19.0
IGME-ESInstituto Geológico y Minero de EspanaSpain42.0
GeoinformState Research and Development Enterprise State Information Geological of UkraineUkraine6.0
GIRInstitutul Geologic al RomanieiRomania7.3
GBAGeologische BundesanstaltAustria12.0
SGSSServizio Geologico, Sismico e dei Suoli della Regione Emilia-RomagnaEmilia-Romagna, Italy5.4
LfUBayerisches Landesamt fur UmweltBavaria, Germany12.6
LNEGLaboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P.Portugal9.7
PIG-PIBPanstwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Panstwowy Instytut BadawczyPoland3.3
HGI-CGSHrvatski Geološki InstitutCroatia13.7
ISORÍslenskar orkurannsóknirIceland6.3