RESOURCE Background information

Budget and participants

The total budget for the project is 2.465.654 € of which the participants contribute 1.733.355 € and the EC contributes 732.299 €.

Work Packages
WP1Organisational and Scientific Coordination (TNO). Coordinator is Hans-Peter Broers
WP2IP & CT coordination, Data management and dissemination (GEUS)
WP3H3O-PLUS: Harmonized information for subsurface spatial planning and management in a transboundary lowland aquifer system (VMM)
WP4TRANSFLUX: Harmonization of data, monitoring and modelling in a transboundary setting (PIG-PIB)
WP5CHAKA: Typology of karst aquifers and recommendations for their management (BRGM)
WP6Pan-EU Groundwater Resources Map (TNO)
#Participant Legal NameInstituteCountryTotal PM
1Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO [Project Coordinator]TNONetherlands75.2
2Per Sherbimin Gjeologjik Shqiptar – Albanian Geological SurveyAGSAlbania28.9
3Geologische BundesanstaltGBAAustria6.9
6Vlaamse Milieu MaatschappijVMMBelgium30.2
6aBelgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CENSCKBelgium3.0
7Federalni Zavod Za Geologiju – Geological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and HerzegovinaFZZGBosnia and Herzegovina3.6
8Hrvatski Geološki Institut – Croatian Geological SurveyHGICroatia16.8
9Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of CyprusGSDCyprus2.0
10Ceska Geologicka Sluzba – Czech Geological SurveyCGSCzech Republic9.7
11Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GEUSGEUSDenmark15.7
12Geologian Tutkimuskeskus – Geological Survey of FinlandGTKFinland1.5
13Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et MinièresBRGMFrance17.9
14Magyar Bányászati és Földtani Szolgálat – Mining and Geological Survey of HungaryMBFSZHungary11.8
15Islenskar Orkurannsoknir – Iceland GeoSurveyISORIceland5.2
16Geological Survey of IrelandGSIIreland21.6
17Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale del PiemonteARPAPItaly4.0
18Regione ToscanaRTItaly3.6
19Latvijas Vides, Geologijas Un Meteorologijas Centrs SiaLEGMCLatvia0.25
20Lietuvos Geologijos Tarnyba prie Aplinkos Ministerijos – Lithuanian Geological Survey under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of LithuaniaLGTLithuania6.0
21Administration Des Ponts et Chaussees DirectionSGLLuxembourg1.0
22Ministry for Transport and InfrastructureMTI (OPM)Malta1.5
23Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut BadawczyPIG-PIBPoland17.0
24Laboratório Nacional de Energia e GeologiaLNEGPortugal3.9
25Institutul Geologic al RomânieiIGRRomania7.9
26Geološki zavod Srbije – Geological Survey of SerbiaGSSSerbia0.5
27Geološki zavod SlovenijeGZSSlovenia12.5
28Instituto Geológico y Minero de España – Geological Survey of SpainIGMESpain18.1
29Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya – Cartographic and Geological Institute of CataloniaICGCSpain17.6
30Sveriges Geologiska UndersökningSGUSweden0.25
31State Research and Development Enterprise – State Information Geological Fund of UkraineGEOINFORMUkraine2.0
32United Kingdom Research and Innovation – British Geological SurveyBGS (UKRI)United Kingdom8.9
33*Eesti GeoloogiakeskusEGTEstonia1.5
34*Regione UmbriaRUItaly1.0
35*Geologischer Dienst Nordrhein-WestfalenNRWGermany2.0

*non-funded partners