RESOURCE Deliverables

D3.1Report describing the criteria for cross-border harmonization of groundwater data3VMM
D3.2Report with associated database of hydraulic properties of prime aquifers and aquitards and fault zones3TNO
D3.3a3D visualisation of groundwater composition and age3TNO
D3.3bWebviewer of groundwater composition and age in the cross-border area3TNO
D3.4Harmonisation of volumes, water balances and recharge and discharge fluxes3TNO
D3.53D visualization of crossborder patterns of groundwater depletion3TNO
D3.6Overview of groundwater policy and management strategies on different sides of common borders3VMM
D3.7aIntroducing the GeoERA Groundwater Viewer: analysing groundwater depletion signals in the3TNO
D3.7bWebviewer of groundwater heads in the cross-border area3TNO
D4.1Template that can be used by all participating surveys to collect the required data4PIG
D4.2Integration of data in a common dataset4PIG
D4.3Harmonized hydrogeological dataset and model input4PIG
D4.4Report describing the hydrodynamic model for the Polish-Lithuanian cross-border area4PIG
D5.1Karst typology in Europe: state of the art5BRGM
D5.2Detailed conceptual hydrogeological models for pilot areas and case studies5BRGM
D5.3Karst aquifer typology tool5BRGM
D5.4Groundwater management recommendations for karst and chalk aquifers5BRGM
D5.5Data set which contains time series of precipitation and discharge of springs in the CHAKA pilot areas5BRGM
D5.6Karst data time series treatment tool, an excel code for data time series treatment in karst aquifers5BRGM
D5.7XLKarst, an Excel tool for time series analysis, spring recession curve analysis and classification of karst aquifers5BRGM
D6.2Database with information on volumes and depths at 10×10 and/or 25×25 km grids6TNO
D6.3Maps showing the depth and volume of fresh groundwater6TNO
D6.4Dataset to be included in the Information Platform6TNO, GEUS
D6.5Water balance terms for the EU fresh groundwater grid6Deltares, TNO
D6.6Justification of the choices to compile the Pan-EU Groundwater Resources maps by all participating countries6TNO