The geo-energy, groundwater and raw materials themes of GeoERA shared the common objective to provide and disseminate spatial information on their respective resources and underpinning geological data. As the cross-thematic integration of information was an important aspect to be addressed in GeoERA a specific theme on an “Information Platform” that effectively integrates all ICT-related and technical issues (database and dissemination) from the three challenges was been introduced.
Under the Information Platform theme one project was conducted and this addressed the development of a common geoscience information platform capable of integrating up-to-date data, interpretations and models from different and distributed sources, both within and across the three main geoscientific themes of GeoERA.
The platform has been based on results obtained during the development of the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI) (see www.europe-geology.eu) which was implemented in a first version in 2016 by members of the EuroGeoSurveys Spatial Information Expert Group.
Theme coordinator for the Information Platform theme was Jørgen Tulstrup jtu@geus.dk from GEUS.
Here you can see all GeoERA results in the user interface of EGDI:
Show map in a new tab.