Managing Urban Shallow geothermal Energy (MUSE)

MUSE investigates resources and possible conflicts of use associated with the use of shallow geothermal energy (SGE) in European urban areas and delivers key geoscientific subsurface data to stakeholders via a user-friendly web based GeoERA information platform (GIP). The assessment of geothermal resources and conflicts of use will lead to the development of management strategies considering both efficient planning and monitoring of environmental impacts to feed into general framework strategies of cities like Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs). The developed methods and approaches will be tested and evaluated together with input from local stakeholders in 14 urban pilot areas across Europe representative for different conditions of SGE use. The pilot areas are geologically and climatologically diverse and have a range of heating and cooling degree day characteristics, making the project outcomes and shared learnings relevant to the whole of Europe and beyond. In the MUSE project, we want to address all relevant aspects by capitalising upon existing knowledge, identifying and closing specific knowledge gaps and providing joint proposals on methodologies, criteria and concepts on SGE management. We adapt workflows to focus on local scale investigations suitable for densely-populated urban areas, where national heating and cooling demand is generally highest, and which will represent the most important SGE market in the future. The outcomes of the project represent a comprehensive collection of methods, approaches and tools, which can be transferred to other urban regions in Europe and adapted by other organisations.

GIS viewer for MUSE results

Through this viewer the results of the MUSE project will be made accessible when they will be available through the project. The current view is not showing results of the project but is only here to give an idea about and where the results will appear and on which technology (the EGDI).

Open map in a new tab

Work packages
WP1Geological Survey of Austria (GBA). Coordinator is Gregor Götzl
WP2Geological Survey of Austria (GBA)
WP3Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
WP4Institut Cartografic I Geologic de Catalunya (ICGC)
WP5Geological Survey of Denmark (GEUS)
WP6Geological Survey of Croatia (HGI-CGS). Communication Manager is Staša Borović">
#Participant Legal NameInstitutionCountryTotal Person- Months per Participant
1Geologische BundesanstaltGBAAustria23.5
2Natural Environment Research CouncilNERCUnited Kingdom15.8
3Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de CatalunyaICGCSpain18.3
4Hrvatski Geološki InstitutHGI-CGSCroatia20.0
5Ceska Geologicka Sluzba – Czech Geological SurveyCGSCzech Republic3.0
6Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et MinièresBRGMFrance4.0
7Geological Survey IrelandGSIIreland5.0
8Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – Geological Survey of BelgiumRBINS-GSBBelgium15.5
9Geološki zavod SlovenijeGeoZSSlovenia6.0
10Instituto Geológico y Minero de EspañaIGMESpain21.38
11Sveriges Geologiska UndersökningSGUSweden9.0
12Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNOTNONetherlands5.5
13Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut BadawczyPIG-PIBPoland20.0
14State Geological Institute of Dionyz SturSGIDSSlovakia6.0
15State Research and Development Enterprise State Information Geological Fund of UkraineGEOINFORMUkraine2.06
16Geological Survey of Denmark and GreenlandGEUSDenmark17.0
MUSE YouTube Channel