The GIP- platform has started to load up with content thanks to the progress of its different participating projects. These advances will allow us to approach to Earth Science in a way as we had never imagined. Maps in three dimensions, updated and with new areas that transcend borders in which data providers will be able to find all the information they need from a harmonized vision and designed to respond the
end users.
Let’s see an example. Lorenzo Calabrese, member of the TACTIC team, tells us about one of the visualizations available at GIP-P: “The model represents the changes of the electrical conductivity parameter (EC) in the groundwater of the coastal phreatic aquifer near Ravenna (Italy), a sandy aquifer 10-15 m thick. The processing is based on the data measured in 10 piezometers of the Emilia-Romagna network in four monitoring surveys: October 2009, March 2010, September 2013 and October 2019. The measurements consist in detecting the water level and the value of the EC at each meter of depth.
These surveys were chosen for the completeness of the data and the representativeness of the aquifer conditions in this part of the coast. The result shows a rather stable situation with a weak variation affecting the portion of fresh water, the volume of which is susceptible to rainfall. During the analyzed period, there were no changes in the analyzed parameters clearly attributable to the current climate changes thanks to a service from Seequent, the software company owning Leapfrog, with which the model was built. The model is still be published on the website of the Geological, Seismic and Soil Survey of Emilia-Romagna Region and it will be available for the needs of the TACTIC GEORA project “.

The different views of this model show:
- the original data of the 4 monitoring surveys for each piezometer: groundwater level and of EC and at each meter on the vertical;
- the latero-vertical variation of the EC inside the aquifer in the 4 different situations obtained through the three-dimensional interpolation of the original data ;in these views, the EC is displayed with different colors corresponding to values which are gradually higher from top to bottom: blue < 2.5 mS/cm; green 2.5 – 10; yellow 10 – 30; orange < 30 mS/cm.
- a detail of the aquifer of March 2010 which represents the original data and in transparency the volumes derived from the interpolation.
The model is public and currently accessible at https://view.seequent.com/embed/sid0dgia8ba5gnltgy8l/default/wm1o29klqce212x668dc