The GeoERA Raw Materials Monograph is a comprehensive source of information on the completed GeoERA project and provides, among other things, information on the results.

GeoERA has ended and provides now comprehensive and widely harmonised information across Europe. Within the theme Raw Materials, the four scientific projects EUROLITHOS, FRAME, MINDeSEA and MINTELL4EU addressed a wide range of aspects and produced new data, information and knowledge. The GeoERA Raw Materials Monograph reflects some of it and contains not only information on raw material potentials in Europe and the use of UNFC/UNRMS, but also lists and links to the most important products and scientific publications as well as to previous projects.
First reactions to the monograph:
“It is a very extensive and detailed work, with excellent maps, information and detailed recommendations. It also covers accurately the important number of existing projects and scientific publications. And explains the Commission’s ideas. It is by itself an excellent summary of the problematic of raw materials.”
“You all did an amazing and high quality work!”
Maria Spiliopoulou-Kaparia [former senior official, European Commission]
„Congratulations on an excellent piece of work.“
David Ovadia [MBE, Chairman of Golden Metal Resource Ltd.]
Read more here: Raw materials – GeoERA
Find the Monograph here: BGR – Products: Publications and downloads (