About 600 geologists from 20 countries currently meet in Oslo, Norway at NGWM2020 – 8-10.1.2020 – On the first day I presented GeoERA – focusing on the four GeoERA groundwater projects and #sustainable use of subsurface #resources including water and carbon in its many forms. The meeting is held at the University of Oslo / #OiU – below it is Prof. Dag Olav Hessen, Head of the OiU “Centre for biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene” in his Keynote on the importance of carbonate and carbonate cycling not only for humanity but for all life on Earth. Water and carbon are essential for all life on our planet.
The use of fossil hydrocarbons from the subsurface currently increases the carbondioxide concentrations in the atmosphere to levels, which affect our climate severely. Humanity needs subsurface resources, but we need to manage and control the exploitation in a wise and sustainable way, and we need the subsurface for mitigating climate change. Help us build a world leading subsurface information platform for Europe making sustainable exploitation of geoenergy, groundwater and raw materials possible. The GeoERA information platform / European Geological Data Infrastructure, EGDI continues after GeoERA.

Some conclusions and broader perspectives from Dag O. Hessens keynote at NGWM 2020