About 30 partners of the GeoERA RESOURCE project just completed three days of discussions focusing on the development of the first Pan- European groundwater resources map estimating the quantity, quality, depth and age of groundwater resources in Europe in WP6 of the project.
The meeting was held at the geological survey of Croatia (HGI, see group photo below). The project probably develops the currently most advanced multinational groundwater resources map at large scale, globally.

Other discussions were related to the WP’s 3, 4 and 5:
WP3: H3O-PLUS: Harmonized information for subsurface spatial planning and management in a transboundary lowland aquifer system (Transboundary study between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany)
WP4: TRANSFLUX: Harmonization of data, monitoring and modelling in a transboundary setting (Transboundary study between Poland and Lithuania)
WP5: CHAKA: Typology of karst and chalk aquifers and recommendations for their Management (studies of Karst and Chalk aquifers across Europe and recommendations for their management)

The data and information collected in the map and ultimately visualized in the European Geological Data Infrastructure / EGDI will provide valuable information on the quantity and quality of European groundwater resources for assessment of #climate change impacts on European water resources and the ecological status of groundwater dependent terrestrial and associated aquatic #ecosystems.
In addition, the data and maps will support implementation of the Water Framework Directive and its daughter directive the Groundwater Directive of the #European Commission.

The new quasi 3D map is partly based on the International Hydrogeological map of Europe developed under the auspices of the International Association of Hydrogeologists / #IAH and financially supported by #UNESCO and Germany / the German Geological Survey / #BGR. The status and main deliverables of RESOURCE and the other GeoERA projects will be presented at the #EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2020 in Vienna, 3-8.5.2020. The new Pan European groundwater resources map is of interest to and relevant for the groundwater and water resources community, globally, including the #IAH, #IAHS, #IGRAC, #EFG as well as environment agencies, regional authorities, the European Environment Agency, #EEA, the Joint Research Centre of the #European Commission and #EU Science, Research and Innovation.
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