GeoERA Information Platform Project (GIP-P) support the rest of the GeoERA projects, facilitating the uploading of results to the EGDI platform ( and providing a standardised exchange of information. We are pleased to inform you that the GeoTIFF upload module is now available on the GIP-P data platform; thus uploading images in GeoTIFF format is now a piece of cake. More details can be found in the user guide:

GeoTIFF is a raster format for digital information exchange widely used in the field of Remote Sensing and GIS analysis. This format facilitates the loading of results, saving time for projects whose results are produced in GeoTIFF. Therefore, this development expands the range of formats supported by the EDGI platform for uploading data .
In addition, as new features we can point out:
– License type can be added to already uploaded documents
– Several mistakes have been fixed (datasets nomenclature and conflicting names)
– Datasets can now be uploaded without labels (#)
– A default colour ramp (colour range) is applied to the style of raster layers