On the 7th of June the GeoERA Call for Ideas closed.
The Secretariat received a total of 92 Project Ideas of which:
- 23 are for the GeoEnergy Theme,
- 34 are for the Groundwater Theme,
- 30 are for the Raw Materials Theme, and
- 5 are for the Information Platform Theme.
The Project Ideas received are currently being checked for Admissibility. To be considered admissible, a Project Idea must be:
- submitted following the instructions given in the supporting Joint Call documents,
- readable, accessible, printable, written in English language, and
- submitted within the allotted space of the submission template and on time.
Project Ideas that do not meet these criteria, will not be assessed. Proposers will get notice of this result no later than on the 21st of June.
The Project Ideas which are found admissible will be assessed by the GeoERA Executive Board. This includes assessement of:
- whether the Idea is within the scope of the call,
- whether there potential overlaps and synergies between the Idea and other Ideas, and
- the clarity of objectives, feasibility and potential impact of the Idea.
Based on this assessment, the GeoERA Executive Board will draft the Stage Two Call for Project Proposals.
Read more about the GeoERA Call procedure on the Call page.