GeoERA co-funds the following projects:
Geo-energy Theme:
- 3DGEO-EU, 3D geomodeling for Europe. Total budget is 3,649,302€. Coordinator is BGR, Germany.
- GARAH, Geological Analysis and Resource Assessment of selected Hydrocarbon systems. Total budget is 1,060,707€. Coordinator is GEUS, Denmark.
- GeoConnect³d, Cross-border, cross-thematic multiscale framework for combining geological models and data for resource appraisal and policy support. Total budget is 1,827,753€. Coordinator is RBINS, Belgium.
- HIKE, Hazard and Impact Knowledge for Europe. Total budget is 1,620,649€. Coordinator is TNO, The Netherlands.
- HotLime, Mapping and Assessment of Geothermal Plays in Deep Carbonate Rocks – Cross-domain Implications and Impacts. Total budget is 1,658,728€. Coordinator is LfU, Bavaria.
- MUSE, Managing Urban Shallow geothermal Energy. Total budget is 1,313,260€. Coordinator is GBA, Austria.
Groundwater Theme:
- HOVER, Hydrological processes and Geological settings over Europe controlling dissolved geogenic and anthropogenic elements in groundwater of relevance to human health and the status of dependent ecosystems. Total budget is 2,999,814€. Coordinator is BRGM, France.
- RESOURCE, Resources of groundwater harmonized at cross-border and pan-European scale. Total budget is 2,465,654€. Coordinator is TNO, The Netherlands.
- TACTIC, Tools for Assessment of ClimaTe change ImpacT on groundwater and adaptation Strategies. Total budget is 1,799,979€. Coordinator is GEUS, Denmark.
- VoGERA, Vulnerability of Shallow Groundwater Resources to Deep Sub-surface Energy-Related Activities. Total budget is 433,781€. Coordinator is UKRI, United Kingdom.
Raw Materials Theme:
- EuroLithos: European Ornamental stone resources. Total budget is 1,100,357€. Coordinator is NGU, Norway.
- FRAME, Forecasting and Assessing Europe’s Strategic and Raw Materials Needs. Total budget is 3,139,634€. Coordinator is LNEG, Portugal.
- MINDeSEA, Seabed Mineral Deposits in European Seas. Metallogeny and Geological Potential for Strategic and Critical Raw Materials. Total budget is 783,285€. Coordinator is IGME, Spain.
- Mintell4EU, Mineral Intelligence for Europe. Total budget is 2,859,159€, Coordinator is GEUS, Denmark.
Information Platform Theme:
- GIP-P, GeoERA Information Platform. Total budget is 3,860,804€. Coordinator is GEUS, Denmark.