A guide to explore GeoConnect³d’s results

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog.

Last update: 24.11.2021

And the day has arrived: GeoConnect³d reaches its end, which means this is the final post in our blog.

20 partner institutions from 16 European countries have been working together for the last 3.5 years to develop and test a new methodological approach to prepare and disclose geological information in a more useful and understandable way for policy support and subsurface management. If you have been following us for a while, you were taken with us through this journey here in our blog, or in our social media, or even participating in the online events we organised.

And now you might be wondering: what are the concrete results of this project? We prepared this short guide to walk you through all the possibilities, and we hope you will be excited to explore them!

Webmap with structural framework and geomanifestations results

The complete set of results is now available for consultation and download on the GeoConnect³d webmap.

>>Click here to access the GeoConnect³d webmap<<

A few tips to navigate through the map – clicking on images displays them on full size:

The areas marked with a thick black line (see image below) indicate where detailed results are available. They are accessible by zooming into these areas.

Results are shown in two zoom levels: overview and detail. The overview level will appear first when zooming in, followed by the detail level when zooming in further.

In each level, the results are structured in the following layers:

  • Structural framework units
  • Structural framework limits
  • Structural framework limit uncertainties
  • Geomanifestations (when available)

These layers are on by default, and the legends for limits, units and geomanifestations are accessible via the Legend tab in the menu on the left side (see image below). It is also possible to open the legend in a New window.

Clicking on any element on the screen opens the pop-up window with further details, including the external links to the project vocabulary on the field Concepturi (shown in the second image below). It is also possible to access associated documents in the EGDI repository, for example geomanifestation fact sheets, using the links in the field Repository.

More information is accessible via the menu on the left side. It is for example possible to Download the datasets, or filter the layers according to Reference surfaces – the image below shows an example of limits and units in Bavaria which are mapped on the top of the basement.

Public deliverables and reports

Our public deliverables and reports can be accessed via the links below:

Reports about project’s workshops

Lessons learnt after applying the structural framework-geomanifestations methodology in the case studies

Reports with additional results from the Pannonian Basin

Reports with reflections on the outcomes of the project

Fact sheets

Besides accessing them through the external links on the GeoConnnect³d webmap, you can discover more about the geology of geomanifestations all around Europe directly through the over 60 factsheets we produced. They can be easily found using the EGDI Repository Search Platform and following these steps:

  1. Click the settings on the right side of the page (engine icon) and select only the collection “egdi-documents”
  2. Close the Menu to go back to the search engine and make sure “Basic search” mode is selected
  3. Type the keyword “geoconnect3d” and press Enter
  4. Type the keyword “fact sheet” and press Enter
  5. Click the button “Basic Search” and explore the results


You can also check out the geomanifestations photodatabase using the EGDI Repository Search Platform and following these steps:

  1. Click the settings on the right side of the page (engine icon) and select only the collection “egdi-photos”
  2. Close the Menu to go back to the search engine and make sure “Basic search” mode is selected
  3. Type the keyword “geoconnect3d” and press Enter
  4. Type the keyword “geomanifestations” and press Enter
  5. Click the button “Basic Search” and explore the results


Last but not least, our blog remains online with a comprehensive collection of short articles about the themes of subsurface management, geomanifestations, structural framework, policy challenges, among many others.

Happy exploring!

Renata Barros
Project coordinator

RBINS-GSB – Geological Survey of Belgium

And all the GeoConnectors