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Geo-energy Theme Posts and Events
A guide to explore GeoConnect³d’s results

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Last update: 24.11.2021 And the day has arrived: GeoConnect³d reaches its end, which means this is the final post in our blog. 20 partner institutions from 16 European countries have been workingRead more
BRGM’s Geothermal Testing Facility

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Inaugurated in December 2008, the geothermal platform at BRGM makes it possible to test any type of closed-loop surface exchanger. This platform has been co-financed by the Centre Region and the ERDF sinceRead more
Carbon isotope composition and origin of natural gas from the Petišovci-Dolina oil and gas field (Mura-Zala Basin, Pannonian Basin System, NE Slovenia) – a preliminary study

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. The carbon isotope composition of natural gas from the Petišovci-Dolina oil and gas field (Kerčmar, 2018; Markič et al., 2020) was measured for the first time in August and September 2021 (Figs.Read more
Meet our MUSE team from France
H. Williams, F. Veloso (BRGM), 11 October 2021 Meet our MUSE colleagues Fernanda Veloso and Harri Williams from the French Geological Survey (BRGM). Let them show you their experimental site for shallow geothermal energy at their premises in Orléans andRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #13 Warsaw
Preparation of a 3D model and shallow geothermal energy resource maps Grzegorz Ryżyński, Przemysław Wojtaszek, Maciej Kłonowski (PGI-NRI), 7 October 2021 The activities accomplished within the MUSE project in the Warsaw pilot area, Poland, have focused on gathering and analysisRead more
Collapse structures on seismic in Flanders

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. The eastern part of Flanders, also known as the Campine Basin, is covered by a dense network of 2D seismic lines. On some of the seismic lines in the southwestern part ofRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #12 Brussels
Modelling the interference of thermally unbalanced Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage systems Estelle Petitclerc (GSB) & Alain Dassargues (Liege University), 22 September 2021 In the pilot-area of Brussels, GSB focused on gathering data from two Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) operatingRead more
The Romanian Eternal Flames

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Situated 56 km from the city of Buzău, the county seat of Buzău County in the historical region of Wallachia, you’ll find the commune Lopătari. In one of the villages of thisRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #11 Cork
Assessment of hydrochemical and temperature measurements H. Bishop (GSI), 20 September 2021 Cork City is in the southwest of Ireland in the province of Munster. The city centre is located between two river channels that meet downstream at the easternRead more
Luhačovice mineral springs

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Luhačovice is probably the largest and most famous spa in Moravia, the eastern part of the Czech Republic. It has been proud of the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) award since 2019.Read more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #10 Bratislava
Assessment of groundwater temperature measurements in an urbanized area R. Cernak (SGIDS), 30 August 2021 Bratislava is in southwestern Slovakia at the foot of the Malé Karpaty Mts. sitting on both banks of the river Danube. It is a mainRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #9 Vienna
Identifying underground urban heat islands in Vienna using groundwater temperature measurements C. Steiner (GBA), 18 August 2021 Field measurements for MUSE in the pilot area Vienna focused on the shallow groundwater body, which consists of gravelly river sediments, on theRead more
Joint MUSE – GEOCOND webinar “Novel approaches in shallow geothermal resource mapping”
G. Goetzl, 5 August 2021 On May 10th 2021, GeoERA MUSE organized a webinar in cooperation with the EU Horizon 2020 project GEOCOND on shallow geothermal resource mapping. Mapping shallow geothermal resources is an important but still challenging exercise whenRead more
Meet the Scientist #19 – Joanna Fajfer

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Joanna Fajfer is a researcher specialised in geology and environmental issues in the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute (PIG-PIB). She graduated with an MSc in Prospecting Geology from the Faculty of GeologyRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #8 Glasgow
Glasgow Observatory – A promising research and innovation location for geothermal energy with shallow mine water A. Monaghan, K. Shorter and D. Boon (BGS), 4 August 2021 Glasgow is Scotland’s largest city and has a post-industrial landscape with a richRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #7 Cardiff
City-scale groundwater temperature characterisation to support the development of shallow geothermal energy A. M. Patton (BGS), 27 July 2021 In 2014, BGS carried out temperature depth profiling at 169 groundwater monitoring boreholes across Cardiff, U.K., to characterise groundwater temperatures atRead more
Meet the Scientist #18 – Johanna Van Daele

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Hello! My name is Johanna Van Daele and I’m a Geologist working on research and policy advice at the Flemish Planning Bureau for the Environment and Spatial Development (VPO). Born and raisedRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #6 Zagreb
Results of groundwater heat exchanger monitoring in the urbanized area of the city of Zagreb S. Borovic (HGI-CGS), 19 July 2021 Zagreb, as other large urban areas, has significant heating and cooling demand, and it is clear that many investorsRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #5 Girona
Subsoil characterization in the urban area for the evaluation of the shallow geothermal potential Vaiva Cypaite, Víctor Camps, Ariadna Conesa, Georgina Arnó, and Ignasi Herms (ICGC), 2 July 2021 Between 2019 and 2021 in the urban area of Girona extensiveRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #4 Aarhus
Mapping potential sites for shallow geothermal energy and energy storage, -a desktop study from Aarhus (Denmark) Claus Ditlefsen (GEUS), 22 June 2021 The municipality of Aarhus consists of a large fast-growing urban area surrounded by open land with suburbs andRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #3 Zaragoza
Defining the exploitation patterns of groundwater heat exchanger systems in Zaragoza city pilot area (Spain) Alejandro García Gil (IGME-CSIC), 31 May 2021 Within the MUSE project activities in the pilot area of Zaragoza city, we have collected information from 27Read more
Meet the Scientist #17 – Russell Rogers

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Russell Rogers is a Geologist, part of the Geological Mapping Programme at the Geological Survey Ireland (GSI). He has an Undergraduate degree from University of Leicester, followed by an MSc in mineralRead more
Interview with our MUSE team member from Croatia
Cornelia Steiner, 18 May 2021 Meet our MUSE colleague Stasa Borovich from the Croatian Geological Survey. In a short interview she talks about her motivation to work on shallow geothermal energy and her involvement in the project. To watch theRead more
New MUSE leaflet about shallow geothermal energy published
Cornelia Steiner (GBA), 6 May 2021 Have you ever wondered how one can actually use shallow geothermal energy? We explain the different systems available for heating and cooling with these renewable energy sources. Find out how they work and whatRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #2 Linköping
Multidiciplinary field measurements for a High Temperature Energy Storage site (HT-BTES) at Linköping Sweden Mikael Erlstroem (SGU), 22 April 2021 The heat storage at Linköping aims to shift around 50 MWh excess heat from a waste incineration plant during theRead more
Hungary’s first interactive geothermal information platform (“OGRe”) is publicly available in English

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog The Hungarian Geothermal System (OGRe) aims to provide up-to-date and reliable geological, hydrogeological and geophysical data and information about Hungary’s geothermal energy resources via a user-friendly and publicly accessible site. We hopeRead more
Hidden volcanoes under our feet

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. For the Alpidic and Carpathian mountain ranges are typical huge crystalline massifs and white limestone cliffs but less people know that a large part of the Carpathians – in contrary to the AlpsRead more
Dolines in the Netherlands

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. In the southeasternmost part of the Netherlands, a region known as South Limburg, the presence of karst phenomena has been known for a long time. Traces have come to light in manyRead more
MUSE pilot area activities – RESULTS – #1 Ljubljana
Eventful hydrogeological investigations Mitja Janza (GeoZS), 25 March 2021 Goals and results of the field measurements Aim of the hydrogeological investigations was to estimate the geothermal potential of the open-loop system that is planned for the heating of a primaryRead more
Meet the Scientist #16 – Renata Barros

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Renata Barros is part of the GeoEnergy research group at the Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS-GSB). She is the coordinator of GeoConnect³d since January 2020. Her expertise spans different geological uses ofRead more
Land subsidence as a consequence of artificial uncontrolled leaching of salt layers and forming of lakes “Pannonica” in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Introduction The Pannonian Basin covers approximately 20% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are several sub-basins within this regional basin; one of them is the Tuzla Basin, which is locatedRead more
Arsenic in the groundwater of Vojvodina

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. The northern part of Serbia, Vojvodina, occupies an area of 21,614 km2 and has a population of less than 2,000,000 people. Groundwater, in this area, is the only source of water supply.Read more
Brand-new MUSE results: Fact sheets on shallow geothermal energy concepts
Ignasi Herms (ICGC) and Cornelia Steiner (GBA), 2 February 2021 Shallow geothermal energy is a renewable energy source recognized by the European Parliament in its DE 2009/28/CE and DE 2003/54/CE directives. It is a reliable and efficient technology that canRead more
Croatian earthquakes – Discovery of the Mohorovičić (Moho) discontinuity

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. The Croatian part of the Pannonian basin system is a tectonically very active area. The unfortunate reminder are the recent destructive earthquakes in Petrinja (29th of December 2020, M=6.2 on Richter scale;Read more
Carbon storage – a prospective subsurface use: BRGM research in France

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Dear reader, we are Isaline Gravaud and Fernanda Veloso, from BRGM, the French partner in GeoConnect³d. We would like in this post to speak about carbon storage, as it is our mainRead more
Explore the new MUSE YouTube channel
Gregor Goetzl (GBA), 12 January 2020 MUSE launched its new YouTube channel! It delivers interesting facts between the lines and views linked to shallow geothermal energy and to our MUSE project in easy accessible video formats. In the first talkRead more
Season’s greetings: looking back on a tough year

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. We just left a tough year behind us. For this reason, I would like to look back on 2020 with a focus on memorable moments that show the GeoConnectors kept the showRead more
MUSE co-organized the Shallow Geothermal Days 2020
Gregor Goetzl (GBA), 15 December 2020 For the second time, the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) organized the Shallow Geothermal Energy Days policy and research event in cooperation with RHC-ETIP, Geotrainet, the COST Action Geothermal-DHC and the MUSE project. TheRead more
Tectonics and seismicity in NE Slovenia

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. A bit about the regional structure The geologic structure and faulting in NE Slovenia reflects a rich and varied tectonic history since the middle part of the Mesozoic. Buried under thick NeogeneRead more
MUSE – Monitoring Closed-loop systems and Open-loop systems
David Boon (BGS) and Ignasi Herms (ICGC), 11 December 2020 Monitoring heat pump performance The complete instrumentation and long-term performance measurement of ground source heating and cooling systems is key for evaluating their real-world energy performance, running costs and CO2Read more
Science for policy: the contribution of geomanifestations

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Managing the subsurface in a sustainable way is a challenge, which will not become easier with the discovery and implementation of innovative technologies in the future (see also this earlier Geoconnect3d blogRead more
MUSE – Geothermal heat pumps, a highly dynamic market in Europe!
Gregor Goetzl, 26 November 2020 Heat pumps in Europe: Heat pumps, used for domestic heating, were introduced in the late 1970s to the European market. After decades of slow growth rates, heat pump sales have been experiencing a strong increaseRead more
Framing groundwater resource management – GeoConnect³d & VoGERA

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Last week we had all our attention at the GeoERA Webinar Series, where updates from all the themes in the research programme were discussed. It was especially interesting to see how projectsRead more
Meet the GeoConnect³d interns

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Hello dear reader, Michiel and Shandro here. You probably haven’t heard of us before and that’s because we are students. As classmates, we just finished our first year in the Master ofRead more
MUSE and the underground urban heat island effect
Cornelia Steiner, 21 October 2020 The project MUSE deals with managing urban shallow geothermal energy in urban areas. It investigates resources of shallow geothermal energy in 14 pilot area cities in Europe. Knowledge about the temperature regime of the undergroundRead more
MUSE – Open-loop systems requirements & advantages
Radovan Cernak, 5 October 2020 Groundwater is a valuable natural source especially for drinking water. Additionally, using ground water for energy extraction is common in many countries for both heating and cooling. In general, these so called open-loop systems areRead more
MUSE – Web-based information systems for shallow geothermal energy
Mitja Janza, 28 September 2020 Geoscientific information is of fundamental importance for efficient and sustainable use of shallow geothermal energy. Lack of such information hinders implementation of shallow geothermal systems and increase uncertainty for investments in such systems. Web-based informationRead more
Thermal springs and Water Lily
This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Felix Baths (in Romania: Baile Felix) is located in the north-west of Romania, Bihor county, at a distance of about 9 km SSE from Oradea. The year of the discovery of theRead more
MUSE – Closed-loop systems requirements & advantages
Estelle Petitclerc, 4 September 2020 Applications of shallow geothermal energy either use closed-loop or open-loop systems. Here we explain the requirements and advantages of closed-loop systems and in follow-up blog we dive into open-loop systems. In closed-loop systems a heatRead more
MUSE results published in Energy Policy
Alejandro Garcia Gil, 4 August 2020 A novel governance model of shallow geothermal energy resources proposed by MUSE The Geological Survey of Spain published, together with 13 European Geological Surveys, a governance model for shallow geothermal energy resources in theRead more
Reuse of abandoned mines in the Czech Republic
This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Czech Republic is known for the large number of abandoned mines that are a result of extensive and long-lasting mining of a wide range of mineral resources. Celts were the first onesRead more
MUSE – Differences between deep and shallow geothermal energy
Gregor Goetzl, 22 July 2020 The term geothermal energy covers a wide field of applications at different depth and temperature levels or based on different technologies to extract geothermal heat. Although all kind of geothermal energy originates in the Earth’sRead more
Hydraulic heads as fault-related geomanifestations in the Roer Valley Rift System
This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. The influence of faults on groundwater movements is well-known. In the Cenozoic Roer Valley Rift System in northwestern Europe, nearly all faults in the shallow subsurface act as barriers for groundwater flowRead more
Legal framework, procedures and policies of shallow geothermal energy use in the EU and MUSE partner countries
Maciej Klonowski, 7 July 2020 One of the major goals of the MUSE project was to investigate and assess the policies and regulatory instruments dealing with the management of shallow geothermal energy in urban areas adapted on the level ofRead more
BBC article about MUSE activities in Cardiff
Cornelia Steiner, 22 June 2020 Our findings prove that ground-water source heat pumps are a technically viable low-carbon heating solution in many towns and cities across the UK, providing the geology beneath the surface is favourable David Boon, BGS ARead more
Meet the (guest) scientist #15 – Estelle Petitclerc
GeoConnect³d is promoting a series of four short online sessions on the week of the 22 June to discuss four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). We are pleased to introduce our guest external speakers, GeoConnect³dRead more
Meet the (guest) scientist #14 – Glen Burridge
GeoConnect³d is promoting a series of four short online sessions on the week of the 22 June to discuss four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). We are pleased to introduce our guest external speakers, GeoConnect³dRead more
Meet the (guest) scientist #13 – Koen Beerten
GeoConnect³d is promoting a series of four short online sessions on the week of the 22 June to discuss four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). We are pleased to introduce our guest external speakers, GeoConnect³dRead more
Meet the (guest) scientist #12 – Mónica Sousa
GeoConnect³d is promoting a series of four short online sessions on the week of the 22 June to discuss four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). We are pleased to introduce our guest external speakers, GeoConnect³dRead more
Pilot area activities – #14 Assessment of shallow geothermal energy resources in Warsaw agglomeration, Poland
Maciej Klonowski, 28 May 2020 Measurements of thermal properties of soils and rocks and geophysical investigations The Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PIG-PIB) carried out a campaign of field investigations to assess geological and hydrogeological conditions and toRead more
Jokes about Belgium… that we don’t like
Visiting the UK is on the whole a nice experience, except for the reoccurring practical joke ‘I wanted to come up with five famous Belgians but stranded at Tintin’. Beware, former EU friends, you are forgetting Max Lohest. While theRead more
Pilot area activities – #13 Geophysical survey and groundwater monitoring in Brussels, Belgium
Estelle Petitclerc, 8 May 2020 Resource analysis and investigation of interactions between open loop systems The Brussels Capital Region (BCR), with an area about 161 km², has a Cenozoic soft cover where sandy formations and relatively more impermeable clayey layersRead more
The Case for an Earth Education
It’s breakfast time over one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. Out of a night spent 40,000 feet above a satin Indian Ocean, suddenly appears the rose-blood drapes of the Wahiba Sands. This is the Arabia of our dreamsRead more
MUSE at “EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online” – Free online geoscience conference
Cornelia Steiner, 27 April 2020 The General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is Europe’s largest geoscience conference. More than 15 000 scientists come together from all over the world to present and discuss the latest research topics at this annualRead more
Meet the Scientist #11 – Gyula Maros PhD

Stability and change I am Gyula Maros from Hungary. I work in the wonderful “ArtGeo” building in Budapest, which is named after its architectural style, Art Nouveau. Despite the fact that the building has always been the “castle” of researchRead more
GeoConnect³d for recovery
As the previous blog in the series said “…we will get through this global crisis, and when we do, we intend to be one step closer to the future of geology.” Geoscience will play a vital role in national andRead more
Pilot area activities – #12 Thermal groundwater use in the urbanized area of Zagreb, Croatia
Stasa Borovic, 14 April 2020 Groundwater temperature monitoring of two open loop systems Zagreb is the capital of Croatia, and by far the largest urban agglomeration in the country (≈800 000 inhabitants). The city area can be divided into alluvialRead more
What a proud moment
Mid-term reviews are important, essential, and usually boring. They are seen as a necessary part of the cumbersome process to ensure that tax-payers money is well enough spent to keep citizens in a neutral mood. A very grey business andRead more
Pilot area activities – #11 Groundwater monitoring in Bratislava, Slovakia
Radovan Cernak, 30 March 2020 Installation of new monitoring network to assess shallow geothermal energy resources in a highly urbanized area Bratislava is nowadays a rapidly developing city with growing demands on energy for heating as well as cooling of buildings.Read more
Meet the Scientist #10 – Katrijn Dirix
Katrijn Dirix is a geological researcher at the Flemish Institute for Technology (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek – VITO). Before joining VITO in 2014, she did a PhD in geology at the KULeuven with a focus on finding ancient humanRead more
Oil and Gas geomanifestations in the Mura-Zala Basin (Petišovci-Dolina; NE Slovenia)
The most prospective geological area for oil and gas in Slovenia is the Neogene Mura-Zala Basin situated in SW part of the Pannonian Basin System. Within the Mura-Zala Basin, Middle-to-Upper Miocene strata of the Petišovci area have a considerable potentialRead more
Pilot area activities – #10 Hydrogeological characterisation of abandoned mine workings for low-enthalpy geothermal in Glasgow, Scotland
Kirsty Shorter, 17 March 2020 Drilling, installation and testing of 12 boreholes The British Geological Survey is currently constructing a geoenergy observatory in Glasgow, Scotland to provide an underground research facility to study abandoned mine water geothermal heating and cooling.Read more
Structural framework teaser

Last week, our project went through its midterm evaluation by GeoERA and external reviewers. This was a great opportunity to stop and assess all the work that we have done so far. As foreseen in the project proposal, we areRead more
Pilot area activities – #9 Geological and Hydrogeological surveys in Cardiff, UK
David Boon, 2 March 2020 Field surveys for promoting sustainable geothermal energy use The decarbonisation of urban heating using ground source heat pumps will require significant deployments of shallow geothermal technologies including vertical closed loop (borehole heat exchangers) and openRead more
Pilot area activities – #8 Hydrogeological and geothermal surveys in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mitja Janza, 18 February 2020 Installation of new monitoring networks to assess shallow geothermal energy resources Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS) has established continuous measurements of groundwater level, temperature and electrical conductivity in 15 observation wells in the area ofRead more
Meet the Scientist #9 – Natalija Samardžić
Natalija Samardžić is a hydrogeologist and geothermal energy expert at the Geological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federalni zavod za geologiju – FZZG). She works as Advisor for hydrogeology, with 16 years of experience in hydrogeological research ofRead more
Fruška Gora Mt. as a part of the Pannonian Basin: some important geological remarks
Fruška Gora Mt. The Fruška Gora mountain represents an E-W extending block, ridge, graben-horst (width ̴ 15 km, length app. 78-85 km). Crveni Čot is its highest peak, and rises to an altitude of 539 m. The mountain is settledRead more
Pilot area activities – #7 New construction of a shallow geothermal installation in Prague, Czech Republic
Jaroslav Rihosek, 5 February 2020 How to build a borehole heat exchanger for a single family house The Czech Geological Survey documented the construction process of a shallow geothermal installation in Slivenec municipal district of Prague in January 2020. OwnersRead more
Counting bubbles… the saga continues

You might have read about the intriguing bubbly groundwater springs of southeast Belgium in a previous post in this very blog. Called by the local Walloon name ‘pouhons’, these springs have attracted economic and touristic interest for centuries – theseRead more
Pilot area activities – #6 Groundwater monitoring in Girona, Catalonia, Spain
Ignasi Herms, 23 January 2020 Installation of new monitoring networks to assess shallow geothermal energy resources Shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling in Catalonia has been growing fast for the last 5 years. The city of Girona (NERead more
Meet the Scientist #8 – Isaline Gravaud
Isaline Gravaud is an engineer in the Safety and Performance of Subsurface Uses unit of the Risk and Prevention division of the French Geological Survey (BRGM). She works on risk management of subsurface uses, with a special focus on CO2Read more
Pilot area activities – #5 Geothermal data analysis in Aarhus, Denmark
Claus Ditlefson, 7 January 2020 Screening the possibilities to integrate shallow geothermal energy and energy storage in a mature district heating system In the city of Aarhus heat is supplied by a well-developed district heating system from a number ofRead more
Seasons Greetings
Looking back is not something you do every day. Once a year is probably about right, and how better to balance extravagant festivities than with moments of deep reflection. And if you are lucky, both go hand in hand. AmongRead more
Meet the Scientist #7 – Tanja Petrović Pantić
Tanja Petrović Pantić is a senior hydrogeologist at the Geological Survey of Serbia (GSS). Tanja has been working in Geological Survey of Serbia since 2007. Before, she worked 3 years at the Faculty of Mining and Geology. Her PhD thesisRead more
Pilot area activities – #4 Geothermal data collection in Cork City, Ireland
Taly Hunter Williams, 19 December 2019 Gathering geochemical and temperature measurements from aquifers in Cork City with the aim to identify potential shallow geothermal energy resources Geological Survey Ireland conducted a groundwater investigation in Cork City (25-28 November 2019) toRead more
Thermal waters of the Trans-Carpathian Trough
The first information about the geothermal conditions of the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine was published in the work of geophysicists G.Gandyuk and O.Potushansky in 1956. In 1957, A. Babinets in the work “Geothermal features of the regions of the UkrainianRead more
Pilot area activities – #3 Groundwater monitoring in Zaragoza, Spain
Alejandro Garcia Gil, 10 December 2019 New campaign to measure depth of water level and groundwater temperatures in the city The Geological Survey of Spain established a new measurement campaign to monitor the groundwater in the city of Zaragoza. TheRead more
Natural carbon dioxide emissions as mofettes in Slovenia
Natural CO2 springs and mineral water springs are frequent only in north-east Slovenia. They occur mainly in the alluvial valleys of the Slovenske gorice hills area, at elevation between 200 and 300 m a.s.l. but their number is not unified.Read more
Cross-thematic publications
Van Gessel, S.F., Hinsby, K., Stanley, G., Tulstrup, J., Schavemaker, Y., Piessens, K., Bogaard, PJF (2017). Geological Services towards a Sustainable Use and Management of the Subsurface: A Geoethical Imperative. Annals of Geophysics, 60, 7, DOI: 10.4401/AG-7500. https://www.annalsofgeophysics.eu/index.php/annals/article/download/7500/6869
Meet the Scientist #6 – Tomislav Kurečić
Tomislav Kurečić is a scientific associate at the Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS). He is specialised in sedimentology, with emphasis on recording of sedimentological columns, facies analysis, sedimentary petrology applied to clastic sediments. As part of the HGI-CGS, he is involvedRead more
Pilot area activities – #2 Geological and geophysical surveys in Linköping, Sweden
Mikael Erlstroem, 20 November 2019 Field measurements for a High Temperature Energy Storage site (H-BTES) Many feasibility studies, including investigations of the geological conditions, are presently performed for a large-scale energy storage in Linköping. The planned storage will consist ofRead more
Sands have a story to tell
Commonly perceived as a beige, grey, white or black pleasantly soft playground for summer pastime, sand is much more. Looked at more closely on this varying mixture of mineral grains or tiny rock fragments, sand of all environments, seashores, lakesides,Read more
Pilot area activities – #1 Groundwater monitoring in Vienna, Austria
Cornelia Steiner, 4 November 2019 Launch of groundwater temperature and level measurements The Geological Survey of Austria (GBA) developed a data logger to measure water level and groundwater temperature in multiple depth levels and to store the data on-site. SuchRead more
Spectacular creatures in a poisonous sulphidic atmosphere – Movile cave, Romania – 5.5 million years time capsule
Only 240 m length and 12.000 square meters, but an epochal discovery made in 1986 in the south-eastern part of Romania by the Romanian researcher Cristian Lascu (geologist, speleologist and photographer). Some geodesic studies for the location of a thermalRead more
Example of thermal water utilization in the Czech Republic
Utilization of thermal water in the Czech Republic is a very nice example of geomanifestation. Exploration work for oil in southern Moravia (Fig. 1) in 1990 led to a discovery of a natural thermal mineral water, in depth of 1,450Read more
Meet the Scientist #5 – Fernanda Veloso
Fernanda M.L. Veloso is a senior geologist specialised in geological and reservoir modelling for geological storage purposes, mainly for CO2 storage. Before she joined the BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières – French Geological Survey) and did her PhDRead more
Timing is everything
As has been extensively discussed in a series of previous blogposts, within GeoConnect³d we are developing a structural framework. While in the initial phase of the project this framework was a rather theoretical concept, after a few months of discussionsRead more
Meet the scientist #4 – Dejan Šram
Dejan Šram finished a BSc in Geology in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (Ljubljana, Slovenia) in 2011. Since then he has been working at the Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS) as an expert for 3D modelling and GISRead more
How sport and geology go together
Although one may still view Poland as a country with really bad road network, we are catching up. In 1989, at the beginning of socio-economic changes, 216 km of motorways were used in Poland, next 81,5 km were built betweenRead more