The groundwater levels in metropolitan France display various dynamics depending on physical and morphometric properties of aquifers. Due to the capability of catchments and aquifers to act as a low-pass filter, the low-frequency variability, originating from the large-scale climate variability,Read more
Author: idabkarlsson
Salt/sea water intrusion: Assessing methods for identifying natural background levels of groundwater aquifers
In order to study the anthropogenic impacts on groundwater quality we will need to identify the natural conditions or Natural background levels (NBLs) within the aquifer, which are used as references to assess the evolution of the contamination status. ThisRead more
Estimating groundwater recharge in Finland
The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) joined the GeoERA projects with two main objectives: firstly, to carry out meaningful scientific research in the groundwater and climate change sectors, and secondly, to network with other Eurogeosurveys. After a very good start,Read more
Third project meeting in TACTIC
The 6-8th of October 2020 the third TACTIC project meeting took place. Due to Covid-19 the meeting was held online. However, despite this setback the meeting was very successful with participation of 18 out of 19 partners. The plenary partRead more
Creating and filling the gaps of a Pan-European groundwater recharge map
From the national pilots in TACTIC we have locally sound estimates of long-term groundwater recharge but lack data to fill the gaps in between. At GEUS we are working on mapping these gaps, this will unify the local model estimatesRead more
TACTIC field work
During the TACTIC project a number of field investigations have been done. One of the pilots in Denmark, Sunds, experiences very shallow groundwater level to such an extent that a shallow excavation was soon filled with intruding groundwater (Picture A).Read more
TACTIC Contributions to EGU2020
The progress in TACTIC was represented extensively at the EGU general assembly 2020, where seven abstracts on TACTIC activities were presented. Despite the unusual format as an online conference, the contributions received good attention and discussion during the online sessions.Read more
Calculation of recharge at boreholes in the UK
Calculation of recharge at boreholes in the UK Over the past month, the British Geological Survey team was busy calculating groundwater recharge values at boreholes in major aquifers in the UK using the lumped-catchment groundwater model AquiMod. While the mainRead more
The use of multiple tools in TACTIC pilots
The work in the TACTIC pilots are now well under way, and several partners are using more than one tool for climate change assessment in the same pilot area. This gives valuable information on the uncertainties of the assessments preformedRead more
TACTIC Climate Change Scenarios ready!
Lead by Deltares (Netherlands), TACTIC have now produced standard climate change scenarios for all 41 pilot areas across Europe from Ireland to Ukraine and from Malta to Finland. The standard TACTIC scenarios are produced to enable a harmonized comparison ofRead more
The TACTIC toolbox and tool webinars
One of the goals of TACTIC is to develop a common research infrastructure to advance future assessments of climatic change in EU. This includes the development of a TACTIC Toolbox consisting of tools (models, methods and approaches) that canRead more