Maybe your summer holiday takes you to this historical mine site.

Large amounts of copper were mined in this area for more than 300 years after the mineral was discovered in the area in 1644 and a mining town, exclusively built of wood, grew in a former virtually unpopulated area. The mine was shut down in 1972 but tourists can be guided down the mine and walk through 300 years of mining history, 50 meters below the surface and 500 meters into the mountain. Røros mining town was included on the list of World Heritage Sites in 1980, and its circumference with museums, slag heaps etc. in 2010.
Learn more about Røros as UNESCO World Heritage: and
Mintell4EU is preparing a European map showing Historical mine sites with touristic interests and information. The map will be accessible at EGDI, European Geological Data Infrastructure by the end of 2020.