Maybe your summer holiday takes you to this historical mine site.
65.5 million years ago, an asteroid smashed into Earth, and the dinosaurs and half of all animal species became extinct. Traces of this event is found in the so-called Fish Clay layer. The layer is very thin, only 5-10 cm, and can be difficult to find in the large limestone projection. Stevns Klint is the best place in the world to see the clay layer, which tells the story of this dramatic chapter in Earth’s history, and this is why Stevns Klint is at UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
Limestone for construction etc. has been extracted from Stevns Klint for centuries, and abondonned quarries are accessible for fossil hunters. The area also hosts museums and a nature center.
Learn more about Stevns Klint as limestone landscape at their website Kalklandet, and as UNESCO World Heritage.

Mintell4EU is preparing a European map showing Historical mine sites with touristic interests and information. The map will be accessible at EGDI, European Geological Data Infrastructure by the end of 2020