Cornelia Steiner, 4 November 2019
Launch of groundwater temperature and level measurements
The Geological Survey of Austria (GBA) developed a data logger to measure water level and groundwater temperature in multiple depth levels and to store the data on-site. Such automatic measurements provide more data points than manual measurements.
In August 2019 the team of GBA installed data loggers in seven groundwater observation boreholes in the city of Vienna. They measure temperature in up to ten depth levels and water level twice a day for one year. All selected boreholes are situated in the upper shallow groundwater body, which is already heavily used for shallow geothermal energy.
The results will allow determining the impact of nearby groundwater heat pumps on the groundwater temperature. Information about the groundwater temperature is also important to evaluate the resources for shallow geothermal energy use, which is one of our main project goals for the pilot area Vienna.
For more information, please contact:
Cornelia Steiner,

Left: Measurement device for our groundwater monitoring system. Right: Installed device ready to collect data.