Assessment of hydrochemical and temperature measurements H. Bishop (GSI), 20 September 2021 Cork City is in the southwest of Ireland in the province of Munster. The city centre is located between two river channels that meet downstream at the easternRead more
Pilot area activities – #10 Hydrogeological characterisation of abandoned mine workings for low-enthalpy geothermal in Glasgow, Scotland
Kirsty Shorter, 17 March 2020 Drilling, installation and testing of 12 boreholes The British Geological Survey is currently constructing a geoenergy observatory in Glasgow, Scotland to provide an underground research facility to study abandoned mine water geothermal heating and cooling.Read more
Pilot area activities – #9 Geological and Hydrogeological surveys in Cardiff, UK
David Boon, 2 March 2020 Field surveys for promoting sustainable geothermal energy use The decarbonisation of urban heating using ground source heat pumps will require significant deployments of shallow geothermal technologies including vertical closed loop (borehole heat exchangers) and openRead more