Assessment of hydrochemical and temperature measurements H. Bishop (GSI), 20 September 2021 Cork City is in the southwest of Ireland in the province of Munster. The city centre is located between two river channels that meet downstream at the easternRead more
groundwater quality
Map of poisonous arsenic in European aquifers.

The latest Newsletter of the HOVER project in the @GeoERA program is now available on-line: HOVER Newsletter – In the newsletter you will find a map of arsenic concentrations in European aquifers. Arsenic is a trace element in groundwater andRead more
Arsenic in the groundwater of Vojvodina

This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. The northern part of Serbia, Vojvodina, occupies an area of 21,614 km2 and has a population of less than 2,000,000 people. Groundwater, in this area, is the only source of water supply.Read more
Groundwater quality in Europe – GeoERA HOVER Newsletter no.3 – May 2020
Do you want to know more about #groundwater quality in Europe and the progress of the GeoERA HOVER project dealing primarily with groundwater quality and #ecosystem issues please read the HOVER Newsletter no.3 here:
Pilot area activities – #8 Hydrogeological and geothermal surveys in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mitja Janza, 18 February 2020 Installation of new monitoring networks to assess shallow geothermal energy resources Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS) has established continuous measurements of groundwater level, temperature and electrical conductivity in 15 observation wells in the area ofRead more
HOVER newsletter #2
Read HOVER newsletter #2 here:
HOVER Newsletter #1
HOVER newsletter launched June 2019 – read HOVER newsletter #1 here: