The MUSE project investigated resources and possible conflicts of use associated with shallow geothermal energy (SGE) in European urban areas, in order to provide a sound basis for the development of management strategies. For a sustainable and efficient use of shallow geothermal energy, we propose an adaptive management process consisting of two cycles, 1) a regional management planning cycle and 2) an implementation and control cycle representing the life cycle of the installations (see figure below).
Our work for MUSE was split in 6 workpackages (WP), where we focused mainly on the connection between the management and implementation cycles. We identified management strategies (WP3) and resource mapping (WP2) as important links. A webinformation System can be a useful tool to transfer information between the two cycles. Our MUSE webinformation system – developed in WP5 – features the results from our pilot areas and serves as example for future applications. In WP4, project partners from our pilot areas all over Europe applied methods for resource mapping and provided their experience for general management strategies.
We connected with projects from GeoERA and beyond in knowledge exchange workshops (WP6). Our additional communication (WP1) and stakeholder activities (WP5) also helped to disseminate the project results.

Find more information about our proposed adaptive management cycle for shallow geothermal energy here.
Project results – MUSE webinformation system
Discover resources and possible conflicts of use for shallow geothermal energy use in the MUSE pilot areas here.
Project results – Reports
Workpackage 1: General dissemination
Aside from internal project management, the main task of WP1 was to disseminate the project and its outcomes to scientific and professional experts, government and the general public.
D1.3 – Project leaflet
D1.5 – Cumulative research articles
Workpackage 2: Technical aspects and mapping
Main objectives of WP2 were to identify and compile state-of-the-art methods to assess resources and conflicts associated with SGE use in urban areas. It also covered innovative technical solutions as well as bad practices.
D2.1 – Catalogue of evaluated methods
D2.2 – Catalogue of evaluated SGE concepts
Workpackage 3: Management strategies and action plans
Addressing administrative and political aspects of SGE use in European areas, WP3 evaluated currently-existing regulation measures and provided a sound basis for tailored management strategies. Furthermore, WP3 proposed management guidelines and specific measures and actions to integrate SGE use into urban energy supply.
D3.1 – Report on current legal framework, procedures and policies
D3.2 – Guideline for integrating and managing the use of SGE
Workpackage 4: Pilot area activities
Overall goal of WP4 was to test and implement developed joint methods from WP2 and to assess and evaluate existing regulation measures and apply methods and management concepts from WP3 in specific urban pilot areas. Feedback was provided on their applicability to the respective WP.
D4.1 – Fact sheets on the pilot areas
D4.2 – Summary report of the outcomes in the pilot areas
D4.3 – Documented thematic output datasets
Workpackage 5: Information system and stakeholder communication
WP5 supported targeted stakeholder communication in the pilot areas and the specific dissemination of project outputs at the GeoERA information platform. Furthermore, it contributed to the “GeoERA project vocabularies”.
D5.4 – Guideline on the use of the MUSE webinformation system
D5.6 – Contributions to the joint GeoERA knowledge infrastructure
D5.7 – Guideline on targeted stakeholder communication
Workpackage 6: Knowledge exchange with GeoERA
WP6 aimed at leveraging synergies with GeoERA and other projects and co-organized joint events to exchange knowledge on overlapping research topics.
D6.1 – Knowledge exchange workshops on cross cutting topics
D6.2 – Capitalising activities with other projects inside GeoERA