The four GeoERA groundwater projects: HOVER, RESOURCE, TACTIC and VoGERA provide data, information and decision-support tools for the long-term protection, sustainable management and improvement of groundwater resources quantity and quality across Europe, within the framework of societal challenges, EU and UN policies.
Innovative methodologies were required and developed to tackle the diversity of hydrogeological settings and the range of scales from local to regional, sometimes transboundary, to pan-European scale.
By jointly developing effective tools and methodologies for monitoring, modelling, data management and visualization, in close collaboration with the other GeoERA themes, this work improved our understanding of groundwater systems and their interaction with other subsurface activities, surface waters and ecosystems; thereby improving our tools for integrated and sustainable management of competing uses of the subsurface and integrated surface and subsurface spatial planning.
Hence, the geological services for Europe developed by the groundwater projects and the projects of the other three themes provide significant research contributions to, and data and information products for, implementation of important EU and UN policies such as the Water Framework Directive, the European Green Deal, The UN sustainable Development Goals and the UN framework classification for resources currently compiled in a new integrated UN Resource Management System.
Selected maps and information products on European groundwater quantity and quality developed by the four GeoERA groundwater projects can be found in the map viewer below. Additional maps and information products are available via the map viewers of the groundwater project websites and EGDI.
Coordinator of the GeoERA Groundwater Theme is Klaus Hinsby form GEUS.