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Luhačovice is probably the largest and most famous spa in Moravia, the eastern part of the Czech Republic. It has been proud of the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) award since 2019.
The spa is famous for favourable climatic conditions, numerous springs with exceptional mineral water properties and a pleasant environment, which form both the naturally forested surroundings of the Western Carpathians and architecturally interesting historic buildings.
The naturally carbonated mineral waters of Luhačovice springs belong to a group of numerous carbonic springs that occur at the Nezdenice tectonic fault between Březová pod Lopeníkem and Biskupice in the Zlín Region. Luhačovice mineral springs were known to the local population and have been used since prehistoric times, as evidenced by archaeological finds. It was not until the 16th century that the name “salt water” was preserved. Hertod of Todtenfeld mentioned the sources in a Latin document published in Vienna in 1669 for the first time. In 1915, the Moravian Land Act officially declared Luhačovice as a spa.
Mineral water was at first collected by natural springs in the floodplain; later the first two boreholes were built. Gradually, almost all of the natural springs were deepened and equipped with boreholes, in order to ensure better hygienic protection. The latest well is from 2000. The most famous springs – VIncentka, Ottovka, Amandka, Janovka, Aloiska – were named after members of the noble Serényi family.
17 carbon dioxide springs and 1 hydrogen sulfide spring are registered on the territory of Luhačovice. The genesis of mineral waters is complicated. The mineral water is metamorphosed fossil marine water, strongly mineralized, carbonated and cold. It is HCO3-Cl-Na type and contains important medicinal components – lithium, iodine, boron, barium, fluorine, strontium, boric acid and others. The carbon dioxide content is 2300 mg/l on average. Mineral water comes from Paleogene sandstones and claystones of the flysch zone of the Western Carpathians, into which deep CO2 penetrates along fractures. In natural springs, the mineral water mixes with the Quaternary groundwater in the final stage, whereby it is diluted. If collected by boreholes, the dilution is minimised. The surface temperature of the water fluctuates between 10 – 12°C. One hydrogen sulfide spring has a different origin.

Luhačovice spa has a long tradition of spa treatment for respiratory tract, digestive organs, diabetes, and kinetic apparatus dysfunction.
In addition to the beautiful nature and mineral springs, it is also possible to enjoy architecturally valuable buildings from the early 20th century in the city, many of them designed in a typical unmistakable style by Dušan Jurkovič – e.g. the Jurkovič House on the main Spa Square, Sunshine Spa, Jestřabí building and the Hydrotherapy Institute. The most famous Luhačovice fountain – the Brussels Fountain – was originally created by Jan Kavan for the international exhibition EXPO 58 in Brussels and brought to Luhačovice from there. The newest fountain in Luhačovice is part of a frequented traffic circle built in 2000. When walking through the spa, you should not forget to taste the warm spa wafers, where you can choose between dozens of different flavors. On the whole – geomanifestations in a beautiful wrap.

Ales Havlin
CGS – Czech Geological Survey
Havlín Nováková, D.: Minerální vody ČR. Brno. 2002.
Girgel, M., Hrabec, J., Šnajdara, P.: Minerální prameny Zlínského kraje. Zlínský kraj. 2008.
Janoška, M. Minerální prameny v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku. AKADEMIA. Praha. 2011.
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