This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Joanna Fajfer is a researcher specialised in geology and environmental issues in the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute (PIG-PIB). She graduated with an MSc in Prospecting Geology from the Faculty of GeologyRead more
Meet the scientist
Meet the Scientist #18 – Johanna Van Daele
This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Hello! My name is Johanna Van Daele and I’m a Geologist working on research and policy advice at the Flemish Planning Bureau for the Environment and Spatial Development (VPO). Born and raisedRead more
Meet the Scientist #17 – Russell Rogers
This post is part of the GeoConnect³d blog. Russell Rogers is a Geologist, part of the Geological Mapping Programme at the Geological Survey Ireland (GSI). He has an Undergraduate degree from University of Leicester, followed by an MSc in mineralRead more
Meet the (guest) scientist #15 – Estelle Petitclerc
GeoConnect³d is promoting a series of four short online sessions on the week of the 22 June to discuss four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). We are pleased to introduce our guest external speakers, GeoConnect³dRead more
Meet the (guest) scientist #14 – Glen Burridge
GeoConnect³d is promoting a series of four short online sessions on the week of the 22 June to discuss four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). We are pleased to introduce our guest external speakers, GeoConnect³dRead more
Meet the (guest) scientist #13 – Koen Beerten
GeoConnect³d is promoting a series of four short online sessions on the week of the 22 June to discuss four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). We are pleased to introduce our guest external speakers, GeoConnect³dRead more
Meet the (guest) scientist #12 – Mónica Sousa
GeoConnect³d is promoting a series of four short online sessions on the week of the 22 June to discuss four specific topics around our Roer-to-Rhine area of interest (crossing Belgium-France-Germany-Luxembourg-Netherlands). We are pleased to introduce our guest external speakers, GeoConnect³dRead more
Meet the Scientist #11 – Gyula Maros PhD
Stability and change I am Gyula Maros from Hungary. I work in the wonderful “ArtGeo” building in Budapest, which is named after its architectural style, Art Nouveau. Despite the fact that the building has always been the “castle” of researchRead more
Meet the Scientist #10 – Katrijn Dirix
Katrijn Dirix is a geological researcher at the Flemish Institute for Technology (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek – VITO). Before joining VITO in 2014, she did a PhD in geology at the KULeuven with a focus on finding ancient humanRead more
Meet the Scientist #9 – Natalija Samardžić
Natalija Samardžić is a hydrogeologist and geothermal energy expert at the Geological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federalni zavod za geologiju – FZZG). She works as Advisor for hydrogeology, with 16 years of experience in hydrogeological research ofRead more
Meet the Scientist #8 – Isaline Gravaud
Isaline Gravaud is an engineer in the Safety and Performance of Subsurface Uses unit of the Risk and Prevention division of the French Geological Survey (BRGM). She works on risk management of subsurface uses, with a special focus on CO2Read more
Meet the Scientist #7 – Tanja Petrović Pantić
Tanja Petrović Pantić is a senior hydrogeologist at the Geological Survey of Serbia (GSS). Tanja has been working in Geological Survey of Serbia since 2007. Before, she worked 3 years at the Faculty of Mining and Geology. Her PhD thesisRead more
Meet the Scientist #6 – Tomislav Kurečić
Tomislav Kurečić is a scientific associate at the Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS). He is specialised in sedimentology, with emphasis on recording of sedimentological columns, facies analysis, sedimentary petrology applied to clastic sediments. As part of the HGI-CGS, he is involvedRead more
Meet the Scientist #5 – Fernanda Veloso
Fernanda M.L. Veloso is a senior geologist specialised in geological and reservoir modelling for geological storage purposes, mainly for CO2 storage. Before she joined the BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières – French Geological Survey) and did her PhDRead more
Meet the scientist #4 – Dejan Šram
Dejan Šram finished a BSc in Geology in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (Ljubljana, Slovenia) in 2011. Since then he has been working at the Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS) as an expert for 3D modelling and GISRead more
Meet the scientist #3 – Nina Rman
Nina Rman joined the Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS) in 2006 as a PhD student. Her research focussed on regional flow of thermal waters in NE Slovenia, and she spent one semester at the Geothermal institute of University of AucklandRead more
Meet the scientist #2 – Helga Ferket
Helga Ferket is a researcher & policy advisor for the deep subsurface within the Department of Environment working for the Flemish Planning Bureau for the Environment and Spatial Development (VPO). Helga finished her master in geology at KULeuven in 1998Read more
Meet the scientist #1 – Kris Piessens
Kris Piessens is the coordinator of GeoConnect³d. He joined the Geological Survey of Belgium (RBINS-GSB) as a geologist in 2002, and was one of the founders of the GeoEnergy research group. He has been carrying out fundamental and applied researchRead more