The GIP-project has produced the following deliverables:
D1.4, Final Project Report.
D2.1.1, Potential synergies and overlaps between the projects.
D.2.1.2, Data Delivery Plan.
D.2.1.2 Annex 2.
D2.1.3 Synergies and overlaps between the projects
D2.2.1, Requirements to the GIP-project by the three other themes.
D2.2.2, Refinements of requirements after feedback.
D2.2.2 Appendix.
D2.3.1, Extensions to EGDI.
D2.3.2, Mapping and describing the needed extensions to EGDI.
D3.1, Data models, Standard Guidelines and Toolkits.
D3.2.1, Gap Analysis and Path Extension.
D3.2.2, Technical requirements and guidance to expose the data.
D3.3, Standards validation procedures.
D4.1, Keyword Thesaurus (RDF file).
D4.2, Keyword Thesaurus.
D4.3, Project Vocabularies.
D4.4, Final report on Keyword Thesurus and Project Vocabularies.
D5.1, GIP-project blueprint: data and services architecture.
D5.2, GeoERA Central System specification.
D5.3, EGDI Architecture assessement and perspectives.
D6.2, Web portal version 1.1.
D6.3, Demonstrator portals, Version 1.
D6.4, Portal Version 2.
D6.5, Demonstrator portals, Version 2.
D7.1, Working Version Metadatabase.
D7.2, Finished testing the system and identifying problems.
D7.3, Central database harvesting.
D7.4, Final version of system Management Tools.
D7.5, Final version of metadata catalogue and populated Metadatabase.
D8.1, Cookbooks.
D8.3.1, Support network.
D8.3.1, Support network, Month 35.
D8.3.2, A series of webinars and help videos for GIP data delivery.
D8.4, A series of example Docker containers.
D9.1, Financial aspects of sustaining the IP.
D9.2, Report on financial models.
D9.3, Report on governance models.
D10.1, Development of Questionnaire with Scientific Support.
D10.1, Development of Questionnaire with Scientific Support, Version 2.
D10.2, Limitations and constraints on free movement of data.
D10.3, Report on new legislation covering access/open access, etc.
D10.4, A study of the risks associated with geodata delivery in Europe.
D10.5, Data Management Plan.
D11.1, Communication Manual.
D11.2, Website content determination.
D11.3, Information content material.
D11.4, Report on Performance Audit.