HIKE Case Studies

HIKE WP3 has developed and tested novel methodologies building on top of results from previous projects and research. The work has advanced current state-of-the-art knowledge across different energy exploitation scenarios and various geological settings.  The ultimate goal is to improve hazard and impact assessments and provide the basis for better standardization of these evaluations across Europe. With the joint development of methods, workflows and datasets an intensified research collaboration and improved transfer of knowledge has been established.

Based on the participating partners’ expertise four case studies have been formulated to cover as broad a range of methodologies as possible. In all case studies the relevance of the fault database being established in WP2 has been explored. Furthermore, cross-cutting relations between individual case studies has been identified. The outcome of the case studies will be made publicly available through the share point in WP4 and though relevant meetings and publications.

The HIKE methodology case studies are: