Map of poisonous arsenic in European aquifers.

The latest Newsletter of the HOVER project in the @GeoERA program is now available on-line: HOVER Newsletter – In the newsletter you will find a map of arsenic concentrations in European aquifers. Arsenic is a trace element in groundwater andRead more
Geoscience, Policy and Society – Transatlantic perspectives of Geological Surveys
The reorganization of our society with focus on renewable energy, sustainable use of resources, and low-climate impact, remains high on European and international agendas. One aspect that receives insufficient attention is the crucial role of the subsurface and its resourcesRead more
EGU 2021
GeoERA General Assembly
MUSE co-organized the Shallow Geothermal Days 2020
Gregor Goetzl (GBA), 15 December 2020 For the second time, the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) organized the Shallow Geothermal Energy Days policy and research event in cooperation with RHC-ETIP, Geotrainet, the COST Action Geothermal-DHC and the MUSE project. TheRead more
European Water Association webinar, Future Challenges of the Water Framework Directive
European Water Association webinar, Water Framework Directive beyond 2027
European Water Association webinar, Research and Developments for the Water Environment
European Water Association webinar, The European Green Deal and Blue Challenges
GeoERA Webinar Series
GeoERA Midterm Workshop
A little more than half way trough the GeoERA projects a workshop will be held in Ljubljana. Stakeholders and GeoERA partners will meet to hear about the results so far and discuss how to run the last partRead more
GeoERA at the 34th Nordic #Geological Winter Meeting in Oslo
About 600 geologists from 20 countries currently meet in Oslo, Norway at NGWM2020 – 8-10.1.2020 – On the first day I presented GeoERA – focusing on the four GeoERA groundwater projects and #sustainable use of subsurface #resources including water and carbonRead more
Raw Materials Week 2020
ORAMA project final event with GeoERA: Improving European raw material data
The ORAMA (Optimising quality of information in RAw MAterials data collection across Europe) Project is coming to its end and we hope you can join in our Final Event and learn about our results. The event will be during theRead more
European Workshop on Underground Energy Storage
Energy storage will play a pivotal role in future energy systems compatible with a carbon-neutral and environmentally friendly society. It will enable to optimize the integration of renewable and recoverable energies into the electricity and heat mix and to contributeRead more
ORAMA Webinar, WEEE-/PV Panels
The ORAMA project ( has been working on issues related to raw material data availability, geographical coverage, accessibility, standardisation, harmonisation, interoperability, quality, and thematic coverage in Member States. The two year project is in its final stages and as partRead more
ORAMA Webinar, Batteries and Vehicles
The ORAMA project ( has been working on issues related to raw material data availability, geographical coverage, accessibility, standardisation, harmonisation, interoperability, quality, and thematic coverage in Member States. The two year project is in its final stages and as partRead more
ORAMA Webinar, Mining Waste
The ORAMA project ( has been working on issues related to raw material data availability, geographical coverage, accessibility, standardisation, harmonisation, interoperability, quality, and thematic coverage in Member States. The two year project is in its final stages and as partRead more
ORAMA Webinar, Primary Raw Materials
The ORAMA project ( has been working on issues related to raw material data availability, geographical coverage, accessibility, standardisation, harmonisation, interoperability, quality, and thematic coverage in Member States. The two year project is in its final stages and as partRead more
15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
GeoERA Information event for Austrian stakeholders
2021 Goldschmidt Conference

2020 Goldschmidt Conference
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020
MREG-GeoERA b2bMeeting (For GeoERA partners only)
Raw Materials Week
5. Meggener Rohstofftage
Underwater Mining Conference. Exact dates and venue to be announces later
2019 Goldschmidt Conference
INQUA 2019
AIMS 2019
Third Workshop on the European Union Raw Materials Information System
EIT RM Summit
MREG-GeoERA b2bMeeting (GeoERA partners only)
Deep Sea Mining Summit
UNECE Resource Management Week 2019
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019
GeoERA Technical Workshop GeoEnergy and others
Raw materials & Environment 2019
EU Industry Days 2019
Future Mine and Mineral 2019
Knowledge Exchange Workshop on environmental impact monitoring of Shallow Geothermal Use
The knowledge exchange workshop addresses existing concepts and methods as well as knowledge- management gaps concerning the monitoring of shallow geothermal use. In the context of the workshop, monitoring covers the impact of shallow geothermal installations on shallow groundwater bodiesRead more
Raw Materials Week
Raw Materials week will build upon a series of events organised by the European Commission addressing the latest news on raw materials in the EU. It will be a unique opportunity for the raw materials community to discuss and exchangeRead more
GeoERA Concluding Conference

On Wednesday 19th January 2022, we will be marking the end of the GeoERA project, with a special event to be held ONLINE. Due to recent Corona restrictions it is no longer possible to attend the event in person. WeRead more
Project kick-off meetings
Agenda Tuesday 3rd of July. 10:00 Registration & Coffee 10:30 Welcome (Yvonne Schavemaker, GeoERA Project Coordinator) 10:35 GeoERA and EuroGeoSurveys’ Strategy (EGS President / EGS Secretary General) 10:45 Introduction GeoERA (Yvonne Schavemaker, GeoERA Project Coordinator) 10:55Read more
Launch Event
Deadline, project ideas
Call for project ideas will open
Kick off meeting
The Kick-off meeting marks the launch of GeoERA and will emphasize the value and expected impact of this H2020 ERA-NET. At this meeting all participants will be informed on the Co-fund Action, its governance and procedures. Furthermore, it will provideRead more